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Children's Ministry

Sunday School

Preschool through Elementary school age kids are welcome to St. Jude's Sunday School! Join new friends for fun and age-appropriate lessons every Sunday during the 10:30 a.m. service. Children will re-join their families in the Sanctuary during the passing of the peace so they can participate in communion. Children must be potty-trained to attend Sunday School. Of course, the nursery is also available during both services for littler ones.
Interested in volunteering to help with Sunday School? A teacher and volunteer observer are needed for each classroom every week. An online "safe church" training class is required. Please talk to one of the members of the Children and Youth Ministry team or one of the adults in the Sunday School classrooms for more information.

Nursery Volunteers needed!

The nursery is still short on volunteers.

A volunteer observer is needed for each classroom every week. An online "safe church" training class is required. Please talk to Stacey Grant for more information.

Stay connected with St. Jude's Children's Ministry on Remind!

Download the free Remind app to connect with the St. Jude’s Children Ministry. You simply text it to 81010 with the message: @stjudeschi.
Or, you can simply type in your phone’s internet browser to receive information about upcoming children's programs/activities.
Events are planned around Easter, Mother's Day, and VBS. We would love for you and your children to be a part of all the fun activities happening at St. Jude's.


Youth News

​​Youth News


Shrove Tuesday is quickly approaching. If your child will be volunteering at the pancake supper, please let me know! It will be a great help for planning purposes. The funds raised will go towards the Beckwith scholarship fund. 


There are sign up sheets in the parish hall where your child can sign up, or you can let me know via text or email. This supper has a big turn out and is a lot of fun! 


Here are the youth group dates until the end of the school year: 

March 9th 

March 23rd 

April 6th 

April 20th 

May 4th 

May 18th 


​​​Keep in touch:

Download the free Remind app or text 81010 to be connected with St. Jude’s Youth Ministry. Text 81010 with the message @stjudesyou or type in your phone’s internet browser to receive information about upcoming youth events.


Our Youth Ministry Team sends out regular emails to keep in touch. Please let Samantha Richard know if you would like to be on the distribution list!

Youth News

Safeguarding God's Children

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St. Jude's Episcopal Church is committed to ensuring it provides a safe and caring environment.

We aim to create safe environments within which our welcome to all is matched by proper and effective safeguards.

Having employees and volunteers well-trained in abuse prevention is essential in creating a safe environment for everyone.

More information about the required training can also be found on the Diocese website at

The Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast requires everyone who works with children and youth to take online Safe Church / Safe Communities training.

St. Jude's also maintains a policy of two-person integrity in all situations involving children and youth.

Children & Yout Handbook
Interested in our annual events handbook for children and youth? Access it here 
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St Jude's Episcopal Church | 200 N Partin Dr. (aka State Road 285) Niceville, FL 32578

Office Hours M-Th 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.


PH: 850.678.7013 | FX: 850.678.0922 

St Jude’s Episcopal church does not officially endorse any private company or sponsor their products or services.

St Jude’s is not responsible for content on linked websites.


©2019 by St. Jude's Episcopal Church. Proudly created with

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