Technology Is a Ministry!
Our technology team is always recruiting new members. If you have an interest in computers, audio-visual equipment, networking, communications, etc., we invite you to be a part of our behind-the-scenes ministry bringing the sights and sounds of St. Jude's to life on Sunday mornings and beyond.
We will train you!
If you can operate a computer, you can learn church technology.
Our ultimate goal is to establish a team with a regular rotation schedule. We would love more volunteers to offer assistance on Sunday mornings - even once a month or less, as you are available.
Want to help, but can't help on Sundays? That's ok. We'd appreciate your tech assistance when you are able, whether that's with on-call setup, troubleshooting, installation, and testing, or helping to keep our website and social media sites updated in your spare time from home.
What are your gifts?
Join Our Friendly Team
To decide whether this ministry is right for you, we invite you to shadow us at the 10:30 a.m. service any Sunday. Stop by the technology table around 10:00 a.m. and let us know you are interested. We'll be happy to show you the basics, answer your questions, and even let you take a turn on the equipment if you feel comfortable.
Don't get intimidated. There's a learning curve, but we all started somewhere. Once you get the hang of things, it can even be a lot of fun.
This would be a great ministry for teens and young adults who are digital natives. We'll be glad to sign off on community service forms for your volunteer hours.
The Team
Drew Cook
Logan Snyder